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HIEMT EMS body sculpting

HIEMT EMS Body Sculpting is an innovative service that uses electromagnetic muscle stimulation (EMS) technology for body contouring and muscle strengthening. During the treatment, a high-intensity electromagnetic pulse stimulates deeply located muscles, leading to intense muscle contractions. This effect contributes to fat reduction, muscle strengthening and improved body contours. It is a painless and non-invasive method that can be applied to various areas of the body, providing fast and visible results.


HI-EMT Muscle stimulator
Electromagnetic muscle stimulation and fat reduction

HI-EMT Muscle electromagnetic stimulation technology
HI-EMT is a technology used in physiotherapy and body contouring treatments. The HI-EMT Muscle device has 2 applicators with the highest intensity on the market - 7 Tesla. The electromagnetic field generated in the applicators penetrates non-invasively through clothing, skin and adipose tissue and acts on a motor neuron in the muscles, which then triggers super-maximal muscle contractions. During a 40-minute treatment, as many as 20,000 muscle contractions take place, resulting in very intense muscle growth and fat reduction.
Course of treatment: 

Before the treatment, a detailed health history is taken to rule out any contraindications to the procedure. The treatment then begins - the patient assumes a lying position and then applicators are applied to the treatment area. The treatment lasts 40 minutes, during which about 20,000 muscle contractions take place. The treatment is intensive but not painful, and feels similar to intense exercise. The treatment does not require a period of convalescence.

Recommended number of treatments:

Depending on the indications, the full therapy may consist of between 4 and 10 treatments, performed every few days. The therapy continues until the patient is satisfied with the results - at each stage it can be terminated or extended with further treatments. The treatment can be performed throughout the year.

Price: 450 zł+ ( price list below)

Time: 30 min per batch

Location: 8/2 Armii Krajowej Avenue Wrocław

Possibility to purchase Gift voucher 

Who performs the procedure: cosmetologist/physiotherapist

Number of treatments required: 4-10 treatments


Effects of HIEMT EMS treatment:

What results does the Body Sculpt treatment provide?

The effects are visible after just 4 treatments. There is an increase in muscle mass and a loss of fat in the treatment area. The buttocks become larger, firmer and the skin thinner, changing their appearance dramatically.

Stomach gets harder, fat tissue decreases. You wait a few more weeks for the final result, as the Hypertrophic treatment, or stimulating growth of muscle mass leads to micro-injuries like weight training only with much greater concentration and isolation of a specific part. This allows the body to rebuild micro-injuries within a few weeks and muscle growth occurs. This is myofibrillar hypertrophy.

The recommended number of treatments is individual and also depends on whether you supplement protein in your diet. When performing 2 series or 8 treatments, clinical studies indicate fat loss of 16% and an increase in muscle mass of up to 23%.

- lifting and tightening of the buttocks
- firming and tightening of the abdomen
- strengthening waist, thigh and arm muscles
- increase muscle mass while reducing body fat
- effective reduction of the stretch of the rectus abdominis muscle

Indications for treatment:

- strengthening and rebuilding of weakened muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, arms, thighs, waist
- excess body fat
- firming the abdomen after pregnancy
- stretch of the rectus abdominis muscle
- the need to gain muscle mass

Contraindications to HIEMT EMS treatment

- pregnancy and breastfeeding
- pacemaker
- implants
- unregulated diabetes
- cancer
Price list

Price list of our services

Come and enjoy our services where we take care of your beauty and well-being. Prices are subject to change depending on the specific treatment. If you have any further questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact us.
HIEMT EMS body sculpting
1 treatment 30 min
450 zł
1 treatment 2 x 30 min (2 selected body parts) 
650 zł
Package: 6 treatments (1 selected body part)
PLN 1600
Package: 10 treatments (1 selected body part)
PLN 2500
Package: 10 treatments (2 selected body parts)
PLN 2950
High-tech cabinet

Call and make an appointment

Discover modern beauty in our salon! Benefit from innovative high-tech treatments. Make an appointment today!

High-Tech Salon

50-541 Wrocław
8/2 Armii Krajowej Avenue
The office is located at the rear of the AB Centre
Ample parking in front of the office

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 9-20
Saturday 9-17
Call and make an appointment! 
+48 721 098 772

Frequently asked questions 

We have prepared a list of the most frequently asked questions below. 
How does the HIEMT EMS Body Sculpting treatment work?
The HIEMT EMS Body Sculpting treatment uses electromagnetic muscle stimulation (EMS) technology to induce intense muscle contractions. This high-intensity pulse stimulates deeply located muscles, leading to fat reduction and muscle strengthening.
Is the HIEMT EMS Body Sculpting treatment painful?
The procedure is usually comfortable, although muscle spasms may be felt to be intense. However, this should not cause pain and most patients tolerate the procedure very well.
How many sessions of the HIEMT EMS Body Sculpting treatment are recommended?
A series of treatments is usually recommended, usually between four and 10 sessions, to achieve optimal results. The number of sessions may vary depending on the individual patient's needs and treatment goals.
When can I expect to see results after a HIEMT EMS Body Sculpting treatment?
Visible results can usually be seen after a few treatment sessions. Full results, such as increased muscle strength and endurance, and fat reduction, can be seen after a series of treatments, usually within a few weeks after the last session.