Hot stone treatment
Hot stone treatment has been known since ancient times. Scientists claim that hot stone treatment is older than acupuncture. The stone treatment is based on the theory of energy flow through the body. There are energy centres in our body, called chakras in yoga. Ancient Chinese and Hindu doctors developed detailed maps of the energy points. Hot stone treatment allows for a better flow of energy through a tired or sick body. The special stones also stimulate blood and lymph circulation in the body.
The hot stone treatment is designed especially for overtired peopleas the treatment relaxes tense muscles and joints. People in need of deep relaxation and whole-body relaxation particularly benefit from stone therapy, as the ritual neutralises negative energy. As a result, the person regains well-being and mental balance already during the treatment.
What's more, the treatment has a positive effect on the entire circulatory and lymphatic system, as it facilitates the flow of blood and reduces its resistance in the arteries, thus making it easier for the heart to work.
The combination of hot basalt stones and professional techniques have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire human body, leaving the body deeply relaxed and refreshed, it also helps in the fight against cellulite and facilitates skin respiration by removing harmful toxins from the skin.
Beneficial effects on:
-facilitates skin breathing
-improves skin nutrition
-speeds up blood and lymph circulation in the skin vessels
-improves its elasticity and firmness and therefore its appearance
-helps reduce cellulite
Muscle tissue
-increases the ability of muscles to work
-improves muscle tone and flexibility
-regenerates after prolonged physical effort
Blood and lymphatic system
-improves the function of the circulatory and lymphatic systems (vascular gymnastics)
-facilitates the outflow of venous blood
-reduces blood resistance in the arteries
-facilitates heart function
Nervous system
-has a calming and relaxing effect alleviates symptoms of stress
-Additionally, the right mood,
The use of essential oils and appropriately selected music has a soothing effect on the patient, inhibiting the limbic system which reduces general nervous tension. The comprehensiveness and strength of the stimulus influence the production of large amounts of enkephalins in the central nervous system. "Thermal energy is the strongest analgesic and anti-inflammatory ad hoc, and at the same time the most powerful for all bodily functions available to physical therapy."
Effects of treatment:
-settling of the nervous system
-alleviating symptoms of stress and psycho-physical exhaustion
-deep overheating of the body
-improving muscle tone and flexibility
-relieving excessive muscle tension
-regeneration after prolonged exercise
-reduction of pain (heat raises the pain threshold)
-increased blood supply to the skin
-entrance to a state of calm and relaxation
It is particularly recommended in the autumn/winter period and as an ideal gift, not only for a loved one, but also as, for example, a bonus for employees for a job well done.