What is the difference between the NEW ICOONE® Laser 2 and the ICOONE® Laser?
ICOONE® Laser Medical 2 and ICOONE® Laser body contouring treatments are not the same!
ICOONE® Laser 2 is a more powerful treatment, guaranteeing longer-lasting and faster visible results after a series of treatments.
Treatment with the Icoone Laser device is a vacuum massage with the additional effect of a biostimulating 915nm laser and 650nm LED light, Icoone Laser 2, in addition to all of the following has a 25% enlarged treatment area and increased power!
This makes it more intense and reduces cellulite, body circumference and stimulates the entire skin to renew itself. After an ICOONE® Laser 2 treatment, the skin is firmer, smoother and even tighter faster.
Innovations introduced in the Icoone laser II®:
Even more powerful heads thanks to the 25% increase in microhole diameters and new treatment protocols.
ROBOMINI® double heads for symmetrical operation.
3 new ROBOMICRO® micro tips for even more personalised treatments.
New software with a more intuitive user interface.
New programmes to allow more thorough work on the face and hands.
Icoone laser II® introduces another amazing innovation: the symmetrical treatment!
Two pairs of heads: Robotwins® and Robomini® are designed to massage with both hands and treat the entire body in a natural way, doubling the benefits and increasing the effectiveness of the treatment. They provide a highly enjoyable experience and satisfying results!